Ovulation Week/ Emotional and Needing Support

So: I am 24 about to be 25 and my whole life I have dreamed of being a mommy. Currently I am a fur momma to a beautiful frenchie, and she is my whole world. Anyhow, I am currently ttc with my ex-husband.... yes I said it ex husband... I truly believe we are soulmates. Yes we have had our difficulties, but when we got divorced we made a rash decision just because we were younger and naive. We have grown so much in our relationship and are both ready to have a family and be parents. The sucky thing is is that I don’t have anyone to be excited with me about trying to conceive because I don’t know the reactions I will get, because people are judgmental, and if it isn’t perfect in their eyes then that is that. However, I am genuinely sure that my partner and I are prepared and so ready to love a little one and give him/her the best life. I just don’t want to be alone in this journey. So I’m saying it here looking for support. 😭💕