Birth control advice


Hi everyone! So I am 17 years old. For a while now I have been considering starting birth control to help regulate my periods and help with my period cramps. My period cramps are pretty painful and sometimes unbearable, I’ve had so many moments where I thought I needed to go to the ER because of how bad they were. I’ve talked to my mom about the idea of starting birth control and she’s always been hesitant because we don’t have any health insurance. I recently started a new job and will be getting paid shortly. I thought about trying to convince my mother to let me start if I could end up paying for it, just because my period cramps are so bad and I need something to help with it. I’ve also had severe anxiety about doing any kind of oral sex with my boyfriend. I am still a virgin but I’ve had so many pregnancy scares, But I feel like if I start birth control it would at least help a little bit with that. Anybody have any advice on what to tell my mom when I ask if I can start birth control? And what would you consider the back best kind of birth control! Like what’s the most effective one? Thank you guys so much!