I’m so confused! Is he lying?

This guy I met after a full year of knowing him I actually decided to give him a chance. He knew my last relationship didn’t go so well which gave me time to reflect on myself and peace and especially what I looked for in the next relationship. It’s been 6 months +

Fast forward, we got together played games, walked and laid on the beach, you know the romantic stuff. I just felt everything was going so great!

Until 2 days later he completely started switching up. Late responses than usual, nothing felt like before. We spoke yesterday afternoon just to get that his day has been shitty because his mom told him bad news about her health. I showed sympathy and even asked if he wants me to come over. He never even replied. It’s been 24hrs now and I’m starting to think he’s making everything up just to break it off.

Why not be real with me? The truth will set me free! Now my question to you guys...will it be wrong if I just hit him up just one last time and ask what’s really going on? But I don’t want to mess anything up if it’s true you know. Than again he may just leave me on read again!