
brooke • girl mama💗💗

I haven’t been on this app in like a month or so it feels like😬 we’ve missed you all! Presley loves seeing all the babies! Or I should say toddlers now😢 I’ve just been busy with mom life😂 I was also taking a little mental health break. Presley will be 15 months old on August 26th! I celebrated my 20th birthday a few weeks ago so I’m now in my 20’s, crazy to say.😂 Pres is almost walking, she’s standing independently and getting up into standing position all by herself without holding onto anything. She will walk holding my hand now and will take up to 10 steps on her own, but won’t take anymore after that. She’s a climbing machine! She’ll climb anything. She keeps me on my feet😂 she can be such a daredevil! Also my house is constantly a mess because she loves to make messes😂 She’s growing so fast! We’re talking about baby #2, but not sure yet! We were wanting to wait until Pres was potty trained, but we might start trying sooner!