Does your spouse or partner share in the care of your newborn?


My husband says because he works full time and I had to quit my job because we had no child care, that he doesn't need to take care of our newborn at night. He sleeps 6 to 8 hours on average. I haven't slept more than 2 consecutive hours in 5 weeks. He hears and watches me change our son, warm bottles, pace the apartment, rock a screaming baby, and does not get out of bed. Is it just me or did we both make the baby, and who had the 3rd degree lacerations from delivery, and why should I be the only sleep deprived stressed out one here? Not to mention he wakes up at 8 am and goes for a run, some days I dont even go outside when our newborn wants to eat every 90 minutes 🥱🥱

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