How long to cot train?


My daughter sleeps in mine or her daddy’s arms every time she sleeps or naps. She’s only 6.5 months old and we’re completely fine with this. I’m a sahm and I’m happy to sit in bed with her sleeping in my arms after being nursed for as long as she needs. She’s only a baby once!

However, next year she will go to part time daycare for around five hours per day, two days or more per week. For these days she’ll need to nap at daycare, where they have cots. It’s a small daycare (in Germany, where we live) where they only take five children under age 3, and she’ll be one of them, so it shouldn’t be tooo noisy at nap time.

I don’t want daycare naps in a cot to be a huge shock for her when the time comes so, I realised, before she begins, I should probably cot train her. But I want to postpone that for as long as I possibly can, and enjoy her sleeping my arms in the meantime!

She starts daycare next February and she’ll be 12.5 months old. How much time do you think I’ll need to cot train her? I hope you will not say I need very long 😉

Thanks mummies