When would I have gotten pregnant? Please HElP!

Hi everyone, I know who the father of my baby is but at the same time I’m so paranoid, I wasn’t having an affair or anything like that and I know I got pregnant in March. However, an incident happened sometime in mid feb, at one point or it was around the 18th onwards in that 3 day period. I just feel sick because I went to a little gathering it was a party and got really drunk and when I woke up a guy was trying to finger me. Like he slipped his nasty fingers inside me and I completely lost it and kicked off and asked him if he had done anything else to me. He said he hadn’t and said he wouldn’t as that would be like having sex with a corpse but obviously he wouldn’t tell the truth would he if he knows it’s wrong and I was asleep so I couldn’t consent? All i know is that I fell asleep and I woke up to that but I feel like I would have woken up if I’d felt someone raping me as I woke up when he done that but I’m so paranoid! I reckon this happened on Friday the 21st because I woke up furious and I know it was like a Saturday or something Cos I went out afterwards in the morning Cos that’s when he was doing it. Anyway after that I had my period from the 24th of feb to the 28th me and my boyfriend were intimate in between these times and onwards. I wasn’t with anyone else but at the same time I’m looking for some reassurance as my doctor said sperm can stay in your body for up to 7 days and I’m just wondering what if he had done something to me and... im sorry I’m just a mess😰😓can someone please help me with the dates when I could have ovulate

d. I’m currently 24 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I can’t take how this is making me feel. I feel like doing something to myself. and it’s making me feel detached from my baby. my boyfriends mum also thinks it’s best we do a dna test when my baby’s born

which I don’t mind doing but ive been watching so much Maury im paranoid that the results will come in the his not the dad or something and his hole family and him think I just went out and cheated and got pregnant by someone else. and I know that I wasn’t with anyone else. I don’t remember being with anyone else. My boyfriend has no idea that I’m going through this and I can’t tell him. It’ll crush him. Someone help please. all the hearts are with my boyfriend.

Thank you x