Sooo confused can someone help


Hi there,

Apologies if this is in the wrong place. I wondered if someone had something similar happened.

Unfortunately I miscarried my first baby in May. I waited 7 weeks for my first cycle after my miscarriage. I'm actually not even sure if I ovulated during that time, I didn't have the heart to even check.

So moving on to present, I guess I am still waiting for my cycle to settle down but I was sure I ovulated on cycle day 18. Whilst I didnt use opk I had some very classic signs of ovulation stretchy cm, actually at one point it was streaked with the tiniest bit of blood. I had twinges from my right side on the evening of cycle day 18 and some back pain.

I would have thought today would be 10dpo for me but now I am super confused for the past 4-5 days my boobs have been sore. Not excruciating but sore. This morning my nipples are sore as well and I've had some tummy pains the past few days just below my belly bottom just like I'm pressing up against something, but last night I had stretchy cm :-/ decided to actually purchase ovulation tests today and whilst it is not what I would consider positive but very close to being positive. Quite dark. Is my body only gearing up to ovulate now on cycle day 28!!!

Prior to my miscarriage my cycles were between 32-34 days.