I took my FINAL PIO shot this morning!!!


I’m exactly 10 weeks, baby is growing well, heart eat is strong, the my RE said I’m done!! They’ve discharged me and I get to continue care as a regular pregnant woman with my midwife!

For those of you dreading the PIO shots, I felt the same. It’s by far the biggest and thickest needle in the entire <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>/FET process. My cheeks were sore for a bit, they’re still sensitive to touch in some areas but overall, I didn’t really feel the needles at all. I didn’t even warm my buns towards the end cause I was too hungry to wait for them to warm up, I just wanted to be done so I could eat lol!

If it helps I came into this process with a terrible and I mean TERRIBLE fear of needles. I’d avoid my physicals cause they’d always want to draw blood. It usually took me 2-3 visits back because I’d chicken out of the draw and I’d go home in tears and panic. My first day on STIMS was awful, I cried and cried and panicked at the sight of the itty bitty needle I was to stick in my belly. By the 4th day I was a fricken pro. I’d wake up and think, alright let’s get this over with! Cause it really wasn’t that bad, the fear I had from past trauma was really the issue for me. But the thought of the giant PIO needle down the line still made me nervous. To my extreme surprise, I didn’t feel that giant needle at all!

After repeated pokes, my skin did get sore, so sometimes there was a noticeable pinch but once I got through the skin, nothin! Just one quick pinch and it was over.

I’m so proud of myself! I was able to overcome fear and trauma for my baby!

If you’re nervous, If you’re feeling scared or anxious about the PIO shots, girl, you got this. If I can do it, literally anyone can!

Pic of my nearly overflowing sharps container. I’m in awe of how many needles I, a person with a needle phobia, stuck into myself for the sake of starting my family.

Good luck to all of you soon to be mamas still going through this process. I believe in you!!