Doctor Visit

Allyssa • Wife 💍 || Cat Mom 😸 || Future Educator 🍎 2MC April2018 💛 July2020 💛 Currently Expecting Baby B. Sep2021 ❤️

I have a doctors appointment where we will talk about my labs and I’ll be getting another pap. Last time I went in for this it was about half a year after my MC and I asked my PCP if I can get a referral to a gyno (the joys of tricare) and she said they would not even talk to me about fertility until after we have been trying for a year consistently (meaning no for me because my husband was about to go on deployment for 3 months). Is this normal?

It’s been well over 2 years now but we haven’t been trying “consistently” because he have had short deployments here and there. It will be a full year in November (minus one month in March for a 30 day “deployment”).

I am scared that she is going to tell me no again. I get so emotional in the doctors office trying to talk about it. Is there any advice out there?

Especially now with my irregular periods that have not been irregular until 4 months ago. Anything would be helpful even words of encouragement. TIA