Diaper rash opinions please

M • Happily married. Girl mom 💗💗💗

My 10 month old is teething. She has very sensitive skin. Needs hypoallergenic everything. Currently using Huggies special delivery hypoallergenic diapers. Tried different brands.

Battled a yeast diaper rash for two months. Never fully cleared up just keeps looking better then gets bad again.

Tried all the antifungals over the counter and prescribed from

Her doctor and ER, rash creams. Nothing seems to be working. Gets diaper free time a few hours a day. Tried cloth diapers. Baths with baking soda. Only use water wipes or a wet cloth to clean. I change her every 90 mins - 2 hours.

I’m waiting to hear from her doctor again. Wondering if anyone has had a similar situation with this.

I’m almost wondering if its a reaction to the diapers. It’s weird that there is like a red line where the rash starts in top.

Thoughts , opinions?? I feel so bad for her and I don’t even know what to do with it anymore.

[Photos removed by Glow]