How to lower milk supply


My milk came in at 3 days pp pumping 4 to 6 oz per session then I had an increase of 7 to 8oz per session. Then I got mastitis and my supply drops 3 to 4oz per session. My supply when back up 6 to 8oz per session after. Now its 8 to 11oz per session and I keep getting cloggs and every time I get a clogg I start to get a low grade fever. My baby is almost 7 weeks and drinks 3oz to 4oz every 2 to 3 hours. I already have over 100oz in the freezer from just this week after having to toss 174oz of breastmilk out because the freezer was left opened and every thing had defrost last Sunday. I dont have the freezer space to keep up with this supply and I don't have the space for a deep feezer. I just want my supply to be around 4 to 6oz per session. I pump every 3 hours and if I try to skip i get more cloggs so skipping a session isn't going to help.