Feeding schedule/supply question

Emily • 💙 06/06/2020

My baby is over two months old now and his weight gain has been really good the past month. Is it okay at this point to not feed him the full 8 feedings that I was doing? I’m just trying to read his cues and feed him when he wants to be fed, as opposed to sticking to a set schedule. Sometimes during the day it ends up being every 2 hours but sometimes it ends up being every 4 hours. He just started sleeping longer stretches throughout the night too... last night he went 6 hours between feedings and I didn’t even think to pump. Is this okay 1) for him and 2) for my milk supply? At this point can I wait 6 hours in between feeds without hurting my supply? I struggled with low supply at the beginning so I’m still pumping about 4 times a day after feeds to keep my supply up. I haven’t noticed a dip or anything. I’m a FTM so just want to make sure I’m on the right track!