Am I pregnant?

I’m 62 days late as of today, August 11th 2020. At first I was showing all the signs but no positive test result. I was throwing up and I could smell things...way more than usual, I gagged at the thought of stuff. I threw up orangish liquid when I never ate anything orange. I still have VERY sensitive and tender breasts. I downloaded a what to expect app just to hell and I went to the doctor last week and she told me that since I would technically be almost in my second trimester then the nausea would lessen, which it has, for the most part. But every now and then I do throw up at random stuff like doing dishes, I’ve never done that before. Most of the time I can smell things that no one else can smell until a few minutes later. My mom refuses to acknowledge that I might be, even though she says she didn’t get a positive test result until 5 months in. I asked other family members and they confirmed. Anyway, I just need advice, because I have no idea what’s happening and I have skipped a period or two before but it’s been TOO LONG! My mom says it’s probably stress but idk because it started way before everything stressful went down. Also, I tried to get blood work done but every time I go to the lab something happens and they somehow can’t see me that day. I’ve rescheduled three times and each time they say that something happened and they can’t do my labs. It’s kinda making me mad. I just need to know if I have a child in my body. I would like to know so I can get prepared!!