Missed period on Taytulla pill

Hey everyone! I didn’t get my withdrawal bleed this month and I start my active pills back up Thursday. I only have 4 break days and I get my bleed on the third day like clockwork. I had sex July 3rd and 4th and got my period July 14th. Started my active pills on time and I hadn’t had sex the rest of the month until August 7th. Now I am on the second to last day of the break week just waiting. It has been a hard month between my best friends sister tragically dying and my grandfather passing. Maybe it’s stress, I don’t know. Should I worry?

Last summer I was skipping around with my periods to avoid them during vacations and such (did this safely, making sure I was taking the correct amount of pills each time to leave me protected) and I missed my period for 3 months once I got back on track taking the standard amount of pills. I took tests back then and they were all negative so I assumed that it was from skipping around.

I did take two packets back to back June into July. Maybe my body is trying to adjust from that but I did have my last period like I said July 14th after the skip.