The plus side of Covid.


Covid sucks, there isn't any denying that.

But the silver lining (if there can be one) is that my doctor recommended I quarantine starting at 37 weeks. Which has allowed me to work fully remote (I was back in our office full time). I was exhausted coming home everyday and had been unable to prepare the nursery, wash clothes, pack my hospital bag and in general get my life somewhat organized before life with baby begins.

This Monday I hit 37 weeks and while 2 days is not enough to be completely caught up I have been able to do so much while working from home.

Without Covid quarantine being necessary I would be in the office until the baby came and would be super stressed with all that I was unable to do to get ready. So for this one small thing I'm feeling really grateful to be home.

Also here is a picture of hubby and I from our very small baby shower, I'm so looking forward to being a parent with him!