Update on my gastroschisis Warrior part 3


She is 42 days old. My last update they did a contrast study on Victoria’s large intestines to see if there was blockage. She was still draining lots of green bile and not pooping much even with depository. Thank the Lord they didn’t see any blockage. On July 31 she was supposed to try 2ml on her pacifier and see how she would do. I got there that morning only to be told she puked and it was green bile I was so upset. The nurse said that the doctor that closed her stomach looked at her after she puked and said she will probably be in the nicu for another couple months. 😔 They decided to do the contrast study on her small intestines that day to see if there was blockage on those. After the study and many xrays later they didn’t see any blockage they said everything is just moving very slowly. Which is the best news I’ve heard in such a long time. The next day she had 3 big bms which were from the study they said. On August 2nd they decided to start feeds 2ml of my breast milk every 3 hours. She kept tolerating the feeds and they very slowly increased them. On August 7 I got a phone call saying they were moving my baby out of the nicu and to a different section of the hospital since she’s not “intensive care” anymore. (They move the babies there who are close to going home) 😁 I was so happy I thought I would never hear those words ever. It is now August 11 she is on 27ml of my breast milk every 3 hours and up 2ml every 6 hours. She is doing absolutely amazing. I have a great feeling she is going to go home very soon. 🥰 💕 also a pic of her belly it looks amazing 😍