Ovulation wrong?


I have been TTC for almost 5 years now (so you’d think I have this down 100% by now) and I am just getting so frustrated at this point.. (I have a 4 year old)

my period ended July 16th. I had what I thought was a peak ovulation on July 20th (test was darker than control). July 21st was also just as dark. July 22nd was almost no test line. July 23rd was just as dark as the other two. My cycle was due yesterday and I haven’t started so I took an ovulation test last night at 4pm for the fun of it and the test line was the darkest it’s ever been? I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative. My cycles are regular. I have a fertility doctor as well. I’m on clomid. My symptoms this month have also absolutely sucked. The smells of some foods make me sick, I have been having horrible cramps, nauseous, heartburn like crazy, restless leg and I usually have none of this. It’s like my first pregnancy all over again. But ALWAYS about a week before my period my boobs always swell sooo bad that I don’t even want to walk because they hurt so bad to move. They are fine right now. No pain. So this month has been the weirdest month ever. Why would I get a positive ovulation when I’m suppose to start my period? I guess I’m not understanding.

Sorry for the long post. Baby dust to all.✨