Have they given me the wrong tablets?

Lacey • Pregnant with #2 🥰

I'm 37+2, at 28 I had a blood test. At 31 i got the results back and my iron was 104 and my midwife recommended iron tablets. Baby brain is seriously real and I completely forgot to 0hone the gp. It wasn't brought up again until my 36 week app, they did another blood test and it was 95, so they gave me iron tablets themselves.

I've had no symptoms of being anaemic, I don't feel tired, dizzy, or anything else the midwifes keep telling me the tablets will help with. In fact, I only get tired, weak, dizzy, numbness etc AFTER I've taken them. It takes about 15-20 minutes to start, but a few hours to wear off and I feel like crap. I can't move out of my bed without thinking I'm going to pass out.

Also, the tablets have lactose in them, and I'm lactose intolerant, which is written in my notes. So I've been trying to take them a little after I've eaten to avoid the stomach ache that lactose brings on for me.

Is it possible they've given me the wrong thing? How could I be anaemic if I feel fine? And if I was anaemic, wouldn't the tablets make me feel better, not worse? I haven't had any since Monday and I feel fine, but I know if I take another one im going to feel like shit.

I've texted my midwife but she hasn't replied yet, I kind of feel like she isn't listening to me.

Thanks for reading my rant, any advice would help