Appointment Exaxt timing as last mmc


Hey ladies,

So today I’m going for my appointment at 11 + 2, which is the exact same time down to the day as my mmc in March. Idk if this is PTSD or what, but I’m really stressed and nervous as to if I had another mmc. I don’t know how to feel. It’s 10:58 and my appointment is at 11:45. I’m worried if my life is about to be turned upside down again. I’ve taken progesterone like I’m supposed to, my prenatal and my iron. I’m literally going nuts with worry. I worked from 8am to 9pm last night just because I didn’t want to come home and sit in my thoughts and have my partner and son watch me meltdown. Any thoughts, suggestions are welcome.

Sending all of you ladies love, positivity, and good prayers during this time. This worry isn’t even fit for an enemy.