6 weeks and No Symptoms


This is my second kiddo. I had my daughter in July of 2016 so it's been a bit. That was an unbelievably hard pregnancy. I was nauseous and had morning sickness from 4 weeks to about 24 weeks and then it switched to heartburn. Not to mention, I could hardly breathe or stand up during my first and most my second trimester. I also dealt with several UTIs and the list goes on. Anyway baby #2 is on the way, and I have zero symptoms. I feel pretty much exactly the same except I'm peeing more and my appetite has increased. I haven't had my first appointment yet, but I was spotting the other day and now I'm nervous. I know spotting at this point is pretty common, but has anyone had this crazy of a difference in pregnancies it almost gives you a little anxiety? Sept. 2nd (my appointment) can't come fast enough.