Anyone else feel like quitting?


We stopped preventing pregnancy 8 years ago, started actively trying 6 or 7 years ago had our first miscarriage almost 5 years ago, had our 7th miscarriage almost 1 year ago. We are on our 8th medicated <a href="">iui</a> after learning one of my tubes became blocked from D&C scar tissue and is no longer usable and I just took my millionth negative pregnancy test on 12dpiui.

I am so broken, I don’t know if I can keep doing this but I don’t know how to just stop either. I know my husband wants to keep going he is mr optimistic all the time but knowing my body’s failure is the source of heartbreak for him every month is crushing my soul. Through no fault of his own, he is wonderful and supportive and remains strong and cool through every negative result but I can see the way this is beating him down as well, the way he has been changed as a person after our loss and more with each additional loss. The fact that he is the perfect partner makes this all even worse bc he deserves a family he would be the best father and I feel like I am holding him back from his life’s potential. So I keep trying every month but I feel deep down inside I’m starting to know that this is just never gonna happen for me and that feeling in the pit of my stomach is telling me just quit. Give up. This isn’t for you. But I am so afraid to quit and regret it when it’s too late. I am now 35 years old I know time is running out and I should just keep pushing knowing this time in my life is temporary no matter the final outcome but I am so so tired and broken. Is anyone else feeling this way or have felt this way and have any advice?