Bedtime has become a nightmare! HELP!


Please help! Baby girl is ten and a half months old. The last 4 or 5 days bedtime has become a nightmare..she used to be super drowsy and fall asleep really easily (usually by 7.15pm) but it’s been really tough this week despite the same routine (walk, bottle, bath, book, bed). She physically fights it, pushing away from me and cries and when I put her down in her cot she sits up straight away and screams and sobs. Everything I do to soothe her seems useless so in the end I try and just leave her and within 5 minutes she’s asleep but it’s become such a horrible way to end the day 😢 Tonight I tried a slightly different nighttime routine (walk, bath, then downstairs for relaxing lullabies, bottle and book then up to bed) and no change. I have friends who think she’s not tired enough and needs to go to bed later but I think 7.30pm is a pretty good time for a 10 month old? Other friends say I should try putting her to bed earlier (6-6.30pm) but she wakes from her last nap close to 4pm so this would only be a 2.5 hour wake window before bed. Her naps are totally different..she falls asleep in my arms within minutes and goes down like a dream, although she’s gone from sleeping around 3 hours a day to 2 hours, spread over two naps. Bedtime has become a disaster! It’s too early to shift to one nap right? I’m hoping it’s just a phase but it’s breaking my heart leaving her sobbing like that 😭