4 failed fets


Hello all. I was hoping to hear some stories similar to mine and hear from anyone who might be able to relate. Im a bit at a loss.

We've transferred 5 PGS normal embryos and none have taken. No one can tell us why. We are healthy, im 29 and he's 35 and weve been at treatments for two years now. We also had 3 failed IUIs. Weve done all the tests and have not found any answers. I had a lap for endometreosis, ERA came back receptive, hysteroscopy was totally normal, have done autoimmune testing and came back unremarkable and even did a cycle with prednisone just in case. We did DNA fragmentation on sperm and that was normal. Weve done natural FETs, extremely medicated, moderately medicated and most recently stepwise progesterone. Weve also been seen by 3 different doctors. Our last cycle we decided to try to be more aggressive and transfered 2 embryos. Nothing has worked. Weve never had a positive test.

I'm currently at the beginning of a new FET and finding it hard to hold onto hope with no reason for this not to be working.

Does this story look similar to anyone's? Were you able to conceive? I'd love to hear from anyone who had many tranfers and what happened.

Thank you.