Was i rude? Correct names for private areas.

I have taught my daughter (shes4)f rom the beginning that she has a vagina and she really didn’t learn penis until her baby brother was born.

My nephew is also 4 (he’s 3months older). I was changing my sons diaper and they both were watching. My nephew said I have a peep too! My daughter looked at him and said he has a penis. My nephew asked her what is that? She said boys have penises and girls have vaginas. My sister in law immediately stopped the conversation and said we call it peeps and he doesn’t know what a girl has yet.

Then this afternoon my mother in law sent me a text message asking that I teach my daughter age appropriate names the private areas.

I said: vagina and penis is the correct names for “the private areas” and I choose to teach her the correct names instead of giving them silly names like tutu or peep.

She responded: can you have her use different names when she is here.

Me: no I’m sorry I won’t she’s learned vagina and penis has the correct names I won’t confuse her with what and when she can say certain words. I understand that it can be uncomfortable for some people for a 4yr to say vagina and penis but I’m not going to confuse her to make others comfortable.

You can call it whatever you want but I will continue to have/allow her to call them the correct names.

She called my husband and told him i was rude. He agreed with me but said I could have approached it differently. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Update: it’s not like my daughter shouts vagina and penis from the roof top which I kind of how my MIL made me feel. She was just correcting my nephew. My husband ended up calling his mom back later that once she was more calm and explained to her 1 we are teaching our children the proper terms because we don’t calls our eyes or feet something else they are what they are and 2 that god forbid some one touches them inappropriately our children will have the words to tell us or a trusted adult what happened. And I talked to my SIL and explained to her as well. I said I’m sorry if my daughter saying penis made you uncomfortable but here is why we teach her the correct words. She didn’t really seem fazed 🤷🏼‍♀️