I Need Some Support.....FTM


I am so stressed out about the pressure to breast feed. I am due in November with my first baby! A little boy đź’™

I’ve never had the desire to breast feed. I know myself and my anxiety, and managing the stress and new journey of motherhood is already overwhelming to me. I’m already terrified lol

However, when people ask if I am breastfeeding and I answer with “I don’t think so”, I am getting so sick of feeling like I am already a terrible mom. I feel the constant need to defend myself, and just saying “I don’t think it’s for me” never sounds like a good enough answer.

My husband has no preference, he is always supportive no matter what. My mom never breastfed, and fully supports my decision.

I have cried about this, stressed about this and have had anxiety about this to the point where I get physically ill. It’s all from the pressure of feeling like a terrible mom already, and feeling like I should “do the right thing” and breastfeed.

Please share tips and advice from your experiences. Thanks ladies đź’•