Relationship advice


So me and my man have been dating since March, and there’s just a couple red flags or at least I think so, I could just be over dramatic. But I’m looking out for some advice since I have no friends to go to. So first things first he’s a great guy, kind, sweet, funny! But there’s just a couple things lacking. so since we’ve been dating since March we mostly communicate from Snapchat and I’ve always had his number saved but I recently found out he doesn’t even have my number saved in his phone lol I love to show my man off I really do. I like to put them as my back screen on my phone and post about them and just do stuff that’s makes them feel wanted. Well he does none of that lol he hates taking pictures with me. He also leaves me on seen all the time. There was this one time where I was having a bad mental health day and I was crying and having panic attacks and he just left me on seen for 14 hours without checking on me. I just like to feel appreciated and I never do in the relationship, he doesn’t compliment me or make me feel wanted. We haven’t even gone on a date since we starting going out. I don’t know what to do. Help!