36 weeks 5 days advice


This is my second baby I had my first at 39 weeks after a sweep. I’m booked in again for another sweep at 38 weeks.

I went to my midwife appointment the other day and she said his head is right down and engaged. I have been experiencing period pain aches since yesterday and discomfort and when I got up this morning he’s dropped further down and I’m experiencing more discharge and let’s say im more “moist” down below where I feel like I have to keep wiping.

My waters went during the night with my first while on the toilet and I didn’t even know as it was just slippy when I wiped but didn’t see anything. It wasn’t until I was getting contractions and went into the hospital that they said my front waters had leaked n gone.

Should I be concerned? Or do you think it’s normal I know this is my second I’m just kinda waiting on contractions to come intense but don’t want to leave it also if it could have been my waters.