100 Days until our Due Date! 😍

Jessi β€’ πŸ’10/6/2012 πŸ‘Ό 6/12/2013 πŸ‘Ό 2/13/2014 πŸ‘¦ 4/12/2015 πŸ‘¦ 11/15/2016 πŸ‘Ό 8/24/2017 πŸ‘¦ 9/28/2018 πŸ‘§ 11/8/2020 πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’œ

Last day in the triple digit count down! I am so very excited!

Even though this is our 4th people still catch me off guard. Went in for my 6 month cleaning at the dentist yesterday and the dental assistant was like I don't want to assume anything but are you pregnant? I said yes I am πŸ˜ƒ She said something like I didn't look like it was just fat but I was due for x-rays so she wanted to be sure. 😳 Then she asked me how far along and when I told her she was like Oh you're small. πŸ˜• I was like Thanks! This is our 4th! 🀷🀦 anyways it was awkward and she said this must be a girl because she had 3 boys and then 2 girls and because I have 3 boys this baby must be a girl. πŸ˜‚ It was a trip. But everything was good so I wasn't in there for more than 20 minutes. Happy Thursday everyone πŸ’–