Upset at me orrrr ?

Basically I have this friend that’s going through a break up. We partied and got drunk together. He ended up asking me (while intoxicated) if I wanted to have sex and I told him no. He kind of forced himself onto me but nothing happened. Now he’s saying that he feels really bad about what happened because he does care about me. We agreed to move past it and focus on being friends but he has seen me twice already and just looked at me and walked away? Obviously he can still be hurt about his breakup and stuff but... he’s 25 and she lived in another country... maybe I’m being insensitive. Maybe it has nothing to do with me. Either way I won’t force him to speak to me. I’ve already reached out to him via text about three times and he texts me just fine but he runs away from me in person.

- I’m not here to focus on what happened at the party. I have obviously chosen to forgive him, I just don’t understand what’s wrong with him now