My third pregnancy and I was 37+5 and induced this morning

April • 🎀 Lucy 3/11/08🚊Finn 8/8/16 👼🏻7/2018 💙 Liam 8/13/20
My third pregnancy and I was 37+5 and induced this morning.  It was a dark and stormy morning and I was nervous but excited.  We arrived at 6am and got set up in our delivery room.  It took a while to check us in and get pitocin started.  8:45 pitocin drip went underway and minor contractions started about 29 min later.  At 9:45 my OB came in and broke my water, it was a messy experience.  I was disappointed because she said I was still at a 1.  Contractions really started to pick up but I didn’t want to slow progress yet so I waited to get an epidural.  By 11:30 I was in agony and waited for nurse to check me so we could get epidural.  She said I was a 3 and ordered epidural around 11:45.  Anesthesiologist got there about 12:15 and I was starting to really loose it from the pain.  They say me up and got epidural in my back by 12:29 and they tried to lay me down and I screamed and my body started pushing, I couldn’t control it.  They call my doctor to hurry at 12:30 she was there in three minutes and baby boy was born at 12:36pm.  Epidural hadn’t even been turned on yet.  I have never felt such relief as when he was fully born.  All the pain melted away and my handsome little guy was here, all was well!