Venting/ advice / help


My kids dad left us for another girl he cheated on me with. What happened first was he went on vacation with his friend and didn’t tell me. Then the girl he cheated on me with went live on her Facebook and he popped in it and she was like “at the beach with someone’s man(I didn’t know they were fooling around because I’ve always been friends with her on fb and I always posted my man). Anyway I also seen that my only friend and her boyfriend were there with them. Wow right. Anyway I packed his stuff up and sat it on my porch and told him I’m done. I don’t get on Facebook unless I’m bored so I decided to log into his Facebook and I seen that he’s had sex with multiple people while haven’t sex with me. Y’all I kept getting yeast infections and was so oblivious as to why. There’s my answer. Anyway, 🙃 He gets pua now because he lost his job. I on the other hand was working for a liquor store but had to be laid off because my water started to leak and my cervix is open. I’m so stressed y’all. I get $316 in unemployment every 2 weeks and my rent is $700😭 on top of that I still need to get stuff for my son and my 2 year old for the fall/ winter. After he left I put a pfa on him because he’s pissed I kicked him out and his anger is bad. I’m not sure what to do. I’m just asking advice on what to do

Honestly. I’m so stressed out😩