3 week old already rolling over face down in sleep. I’m terrified and desperately need advice


My 3 week old daughter is already holding her head up on her own and she is now as of last night rolling on her stomach, face down. I found her like this last night when I just randomly thank God woke up. I looked over and she was face down on the mattress. I immediately rolled her back on her back. Needless to say every second I was checking her the rest of the night. When I woke up in the morning she was on her side.

I called the pediatrician and she was absolutely shocked she’s doing this at her age. She really couldn’t recommend anything. There is only ONE thing on the market out there for a newborn 7lb baby and it’s ONLY meant if you have the SNOO bassinet which I don’t. I have the Halo.

There is nothing out there and I’m so upset and frustrated and I DO NOT want this happening again.

We still swaddle her because she won’t sleep without it because her reflexes wake her up.

You cannot tell me out of all the babies in the world that no one has had this problem with a 3 week old enough to make a product to help.

I just really need some help and advice. I’m trying not to freak out and I know I will not be getting any sleep tonight because I’m so worried.