help my sex life

my boyfriend and i are on such different pages in our sex life. he’s and avid worrier i mean really he worry’s about literally everything. he lets even the smallest possibilities of risks control his life. all he does is think about the future and won’t live in the moment because of the “consequences” he might face from taking those small risks and just having a little fun. it’s getting really frustrating since it is now a common pattern. any time we do something a little fun and risky he seems to really enjoy it then all of the sudden later that day or a few days after will tell me it’s to risky to be doing so we’re not gonna do it again. the sex itself isn’t a problem at all, it’s really great that why i don’t understand why he wants to stop doing stuff so often. this has happened 4 times where he has just decided to change our sex life and i have to comply because it would be wrong for me to make him do anything he doesn’t want to do. idrk what to do at this point it’s just upsetting that i can’t do the stuff we both want to do but can’t because he’s to busy worrying.