Am I wrong to be upset?

During the lockdown I gained 30+ pounds, even though I ate clean, exercised daily (at home) and did some minor cardio, it's just that my body is used to a lot more exercise, I put on weight easily and have a hard time losing it which I've done my entire life. Anyway, I booked (and payed for) a weekend getaway with my boyfriend for our 5 year anniversary. He knows how strict my routine has to be both with food and exercise in order for me to stay at a healthy weight. The trip is for a weekend in which I plan on eating exactly as I do at home (I'll eat oatmeal for breakfast, chicken salads for lunch and dinner) and we plan on staying active, sightseeing, hiking etc, so it's not a problem for me.

Well, he suggested for us to take an entire week, food touring around the country and trying out different burgers, pies and ice cream. I told him that I'm sorry because I can't emotionally afford that. I am already obese, and getting back on track for me seems impossible at the moment because the weight keeps going up even though I just started getting back into my old routine. Just the other day I had a breakdown in the car after the gym (he was with me) because I've gotten so fat my workout clothes no longer fit me.

It's not like I'm being a bitch, I cook for him: burgers and pizzas and pastas all the time, I just eat differently than him. I do have an ocasional cheat meal, but any more and my weight spirals out of control. It's not like I am doing this on purpose.

Am I being a bitch for thinking that he doesn't take my needs into consideration? Like him planning additional 5 days of A FOOD TOUR is not in my best interest at the moment. Also, he doesn't enjoy me at my current weight, it's not like it doesn't bother him as well. He's made some comments, and has almost completely lost his sex drive. Which is a different problem for a different post.

He got mad at me and left the house. Did I overreact or does he need to be more supportive? Am I wrong for wanting more support from my partner? Please tell me what to do!

I know I'll eventually get my body back. It will take a long time and a lot of effort on my part, but at the moment I feel horrible.

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