Pregnant and due soon, my toddler is regressing!!!!

Kelly • Mommy of 6, should we make it 7?!?!

This pregnancy has been brutal. I didnt move off the couch the first 5 months. Then Covid, now I'm just huge and immobilized at 36 weeks. My toddler has been struggling, especially the last few weeks. Shes 3. She had been basically potty trained but has been having accidents like crazy. She peed on the floor yesterday and then on my lap this morning. She wants to wear a dipar instead of pull up. Her tantrums have been crazy. She hits and yells. She got so upset after bath she kept trying to get back in and I told her no, she turned around and screamed I dont love you mommy. Shes wants to nurse constantly, she was almost weaned but now grabbing the boob multiple times a day. Shes just doing everything we tell her not to do, I feel so bad that I've been snapping at her but Im just lost, at my wits end. She seems so sad and different. Does anyone have any advice? We just moved houses so there's been stress and changes, now baby is due any!?!