Getting very discouraged😔

I’m 8dpo and have had no signs of anything... other than headaches only at night when I’m about to fall asleep, cramping and pulling on both right and left sides, and my breast have gotten huge, my aureoles have gotten much darker and very sensitive... I’ve been on clomid for a while now and the cramping and pulling, and sensitive nipped has been an every cycle thing, but everything else is new. I tested this morning and my husband stood there and watched the test load and we both could see plain as day the positive line come through and then by the end of the 3 min wait it was gone... we’ve been trying for 18 months and are ready to give up😭😭😭 anyone else have this hard of a time ttc baby #1?

I’m very irregular, My next cycle could start with the next 4 days or within the next 2 weeks...