Help!! Am I Pregnant?

This year I’ve been using a different <a href="">period app</a> called PinkBird. Every single month it got my Fertile Window and period dates wrong! I should have changed sooner but I paid for premium and it was very easy to use. As a pregnancy prevention method I would track my fertile window as make sure not to have sex during those days. I decided to change because my period was “late” and was tired of incorrect dates. Come to find out, all of July I had unprotected sex on my fertile window.

The catch is, I got a period in August? I understand that spotting happens, but it’s normally for a few days and not heavy (if I’m wrong please correct me) and I saw clumps in my blood (which I assumed to be the egg). This month I’m 4 days late... and I normally have long menstruation (35 days avg) but today marks 41 days. My longest was 45. I took a test that came out negative but I fear I took it too soon.

I’m going to take another when I get the chance, but for the time being, can anyone help?