My ex txted this to me

My ex and I were together for 2 months before he broke up with me because someone reached out to him and triggered his depression/anxiety. That person had hurt him in the past and he had feelings for them. Them reaching out brought back all of those emotions again and he couldn't deal, so he broke up with me. He's been trying to figure out what to do with his life and going through depression is making things feel overwhelming for him. I agreed to just be friends, but friends still tell/show each other they care, right?

I recently txted him "goodnight ily 💕" and this is what he txted me:

"I love you too but need you as a friend rn. Told you I'm not ready for a relationship especially here. Too many memories for rn at least just way to much on my mind and definitely not fair to you. And I know you care but if we could just be friends for now like we said I'd really appreciate it. I just feel bad not saying it back even tho I do love you just I can't be saying that all the time. I need to figure my life out. I'm really not trying to be harsh am extremely sorry if this comes of rude it is not my intention at all."

What do you think about my situation?


We went on vacation a couple weeks ago and had sex the whole time. It was passionate and fun 😌 and reminded me what is was like when we were together. Ever since then, he's been loving with me once again and kisses me and hugs me. Before the trip, he was acting very cold and wouldn't let me hug him. And when we had sex he wouldn't cum. So we stopped and vowed to only be friends with no sex. But after the trip he's not acting like my friend bc now he's loving on me and we're having sex. I think we're friends with benefits now.