Can stress really cause a missed period!?!


So I’m late. 😔 Not looking to get pregnant so I’ve taken 2 piss tests already and they both say that I’m not pregnant so I do feel pretty good about that. But I do not have health insurance and can’t really afford to go to a doctor right now. I don’t have any other symptoms or indicators of illness that I can think of, other than my missed period and some recent incidences of nausea.

I’m wondering if this could be caused by stress. Is that a real thing? Because my periods are usually very regular.

Even with covid and everything going on in the world lately, I have been having regular periods for the past 6 months.

I think I would say that last month was really stressful for me tho because my dad died. He was an abusive alcoholic that mistreated my mother and my sister and I. It’s very complicated but I never spoke to him before he passed because he didn’t want to make amends and I didn’t want to give him any more opportunities to emotionally damage me.

But I stayed close the whole time to support my mother and I was in the house with them the night he died. That very night my period stopped in it’s tracks. It was day 4 of my period and my periods always last about a week but it just stopped. And now this month my period hasn’t come at all.

Through all of this I haven’t really known how to grieve for him because his passing was such a relief to me. I haven’t shed one tear because I can finally be with my mother now without his hateful presence and negative influence. And although I actually feel good about it like a weight is lifted, I do still feel ashamed and guilty because no daughter should have to feel that way about the loss of her father. I was literally waiting for him to be gone!

Could this emotional stress be affecting my late period or is it more likely something physical like an infection or a hormonal imbalance? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?