How many times?

I'm curious how many times can you orgasm in your solo sessions?

If I don't do it around 10-15 times, sometimes even more, I don't calm down. Afterwards I am exhausted and sleep like under anesthesia. Get really rested.


While masturbating, I remember cumming once up to 36x and then stopping.

However, I was in a relationship nearly eight years (almost 3 married) and had vaginal orgasm only five times without any intervention (external stimulation with fingers me or him). It is sad because he always blamed me. Haven't had sex in a year now, I divorced him. I was thinking about those significant five times and realized that i could orgasm because we didnt change position. He would always want to change positions and we couls easily spend hours having sex without me feeling a thing. I would either orgasm by stimulation (hands, tongue, toys) or would not orgasm at all.