Pain shakes


All day long, I’ve had the very uncomfortable feeling on my back as if it were about to snap. Then I felt a lot of pressure on my pubic bone all day. I thought nothing of it since I’ve been getting this feeling for about a week and a half already and I haven’t lost my mucus plug yet. Well today my body started shaking. I have this thing where I can’t really tell when my body is in pain. I’ll feel uncomfortable and explain it as that but never really pain I can’t bare. Today, my body showed me that if I’m in A LOT of pain I’ll start to shake. Now the thing is, I don’t think I’m getting contractions since I don’t feel my abdomen getting tight, but I also don’t know if I should maybe check in with L&D just in case. I took a Tylenol and it didn’t do anything, so now I’m in the tub trying to get some relief. Baby is still moving as always so no worries there either. I just feel so unsettled and I don’t like that if I call in they’ll pass it up as nothing since I’m a FTM even after I let them know about my pain tolerance.