Night sleep

Ewelina • 31 | IVF ICSI | Rainbow born June ‘20

So my baby is 10 weeks old (where the HELL does the time go by the way) and is not the best sleeper but not the worst either. I’ve recently done the taking cara babies course and have seen a massive improvement especially when it comes to naps. My little girl will go anywhere from 4 to 6 hours at night for the first stretch and then about 2-3 for the second. She used to wake up every 2 hours when she was younger so I’m not complaining! My only concern is how noisy she is at night 😩 And I don’t mean the usual grunting stuff when falling asleep (she used to do that loads but doesn’t anymore). Now she’ll sleep like an angel for a couple hours and then start letting out like one individual cry and maybe a few squeaks every 10 minutes 😩 Her eyes are still closed though so she’s doing it through her sleep. And every time she does it I think she’s waking up so I get up to get her and she’s fast asleep 😅 WTF? She can literally do this for hours. I’m sure she’d actually sleep longer but after a while of her doing this I just pick her up cause I can’t stand being woken up every 10 minutes for 2 hours 🤣 Any idea if this is normal? I don’t wanna wake her up if she’s sleeping but I also don’t want to leave her if something’s making her unhappy. Urgh.