Im a hot mess! SOS


I am going thru so many life changes lately and my cycle is just as a hot mess as i am.

Background info: i was on nuvaring for 6+ years. 3 weeks in, 1 week out. Always very regular, would start at the exact same time every month on fridays because my ring would come out monday. Very heavy flow, but i had that ever since i started having periods. In january 2020, the nuvaring was no longer covered by insurance because there is now made a generic version. I tried the genric version for one month and i could tell instantly my body was reacting negatively towards it. I gained weight instantly and my emotions were all over the place. I started getting chin hairs again and wanted to eat everything in sight. I made an obgyn appt and her suggestions were to change brands to the implant or iud, to keep the generic but do it for 4 weeks in and instantly put a new one in and not have a period for 3 months (but then after that 3 months when u do leave ring out for 1 week, the period will be very very bad) or, pay for the name brand ring out of pocket ($180 a month).... so we tried the 4 weeks in option, and after the 3 months, i only spotted for 2 days. That was it. I waited an extra week to see if i would have a real period, and nothing happened. So now its april. I got fired, covid was getting rough, and we got denied a mortgage. I was STRESSSSSSSSED.. I went back to old habits and did the normal 3 weeks in, 1 week out with generic version. Now its May, still never got a period.

The problem: fiance and i discussed that we wanna start trying for kids next summer, but my body needs 6-12 months to clean its system up so i stopped everything completely. its now been since may 2020 with no birth control at all, and ive still not gotten a period.....

My fiance and i have never used condoms, because he does not usually get off. (Which is a whole other story) i july, he did, and didnt pull out in time. I wasnt really nervous or anything because i am ready for kids if that accident were to happen, but also we will be married in november. I got on amazon, got a box of 4 tests and took one every week. Every one of them was negative. I still havent had a period. And its august 18th.

NOW: Should i try to do 1 more name brand nuvaring (i have some extra from my old RX refill before generic) to see if i can get a cycle again, or just make an obgyn appt for whenever they can get me in next and stop thinking about it? 

**side note: im supposed to have my yearly check up in september/october. I dont really like my obgyn because she makes me feel stupid, and kinda judged the issue my fiance has with getting off, or me wanting kids while im young.. Shes very informative and friendly, its just not usually a comfortable appointment when i want to get deep into discussion.

Any tips, feedback, advice, questions for further info, anything at all ladies!!!! I wanna hear what i should be doing!! Or what YOU would do, in my position.