Early labour or BH?


This is my second baby but I was induced with the first and contractions went very intense, very quickly. I never really had any BH to compare to either.

I’m 36w today with baby no2.

Last night I had about an hour of tightenings round the whole bottom half of my stomach and as I timed them they were pretty bang on 8 minutes apart. Not horrifically painful like full labour but crampy, uncomfortable and made me breathless. I fell asleep waiting for the last one and stayed asleep... so presumably they just went away on their own? I’ve been up since half 5 this morning and had nothing but they’ve just started again a bit stronger. Only had 2 so far but I’m at work and I work an hour away from my hospital so I’m panicking whether I should be going home just in case. I really don’t want to unnecessarily.

What’s your thoughts ?