Have any of you missed period? And not b/c pregnancy


Im 19 and Im super late by 25 days! . I took a pregnancy test once every week and got negatives. Im not concerned about pregnancy because we used a condom it stayed on the whole time and he didnt notice any holes or anything like that. This is my first time being this late in my life. I got off BC in march I believe. But I never missed any periods when I was on. Idk if its all the changes in my life with this pandemic or possibly weight gain or stress because my anxiety has been really bad past couple months. Have no clue! I missed my annual pap and exam this year because covid. I would prefer to stay out of the doctors for now. If I miss another period I’ll definitely call the office or go to a clinic to get checked out to see why I might of missed a period. I’ve only had sex once this year and it was protected.

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