1 week Old today / 38 weeks pregnant

f..🤍 • Married💍 A♥️ Sahara💜September 2010 Zakariya 💙August 2020 TTC#baby 3 …

Original due date was 2nd September 20

Planned c-section was 19th august 20 (today) at 38 weeks

At 36 and 4 days went in for slightly reduced movements they kept me in for observation after a while long night they decided they will get him out at 37 weeks and keep me in hospital until I have him

I was Abit gutted as had so much plans coz I knew the planned date but regardless thought to myself I’m gonna still do whatever I had planned for my delivery etc

After 3 whole nights of tests pokes/pricks and 0 ZERO sleep they day finally came they decided I would be moved to another hospital just incase baby needed nicu and theirs was full went somewhere 50 miles away again was gutted as mentally was just too Much going on still smiles through everything and wanted to be positive made the stressful journey there was take into theatre straight away also I’ve been starving from night before felt sick then they say baby’s heart rate gone down so they’ll need to put me to sleep but within seconds they changed their mind because they realised that the slower heart rate was actually mine !😐anyway had a really quick delivery and birh and baby boy was born weighing 6pounds and 2ounces at 37 weeks he was tiny as my daughter also Born at 37 weeks was 9pounds ! His sugars were all stable he had tons of tests and I had to stay in a extra 4 nights because his breathing was a bit fast but all results were good and his breathing settled so was finally discharged on Sunday the 16th his a weeks old today and has settled a lot compared to last week I felt like a zombie without sleep and pain etc by myself last couple nights we’ve been home my husbands been an angel all I’ve done is rest ❤️

Baby didn’t need no help with anyone nice and strong 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

I’ve been meaning to post since day 1 but seriously we don’t even realise how hectic life gets with a newborn especially my first being nearly 10 I feel like a first time mum again

Also I had so much to rant about but if I’m honest I remember all the stress very faintly I’m just so in love and happy that god has helped me through this pregnancy all healthy it’s been a Miracle which my pregnancy has been from day 1 I’ve been told to consider termination but god helped me through to beat the odds whatever’s meant to be will be and people are right when u hold ur little one u forget the pain well I certainly did anyways wanted to wish all u mums out there best of luck it was a journey that so many of us started off together as complete strangers all around the world from that faint line to line progression and eventually we’ll have the babies we’ve been praying for happy and healthy 🙏🏼good luck everyone hope it all works out easy for you lot xx