can't see my boyfriend for 5 months and it's creating tension- how can I help?

so I wouldn't necessarily say my boyfriend and I (I'm 21f, he's 20m) are long distance in the traditional sense- we live about 40 minutes from each other at home but go to college 2 1/2 hours from each other. normally it wouldn't be a huge deal.

however, he goes to a military academy here in the US, and the cadets at his school are basically locked down until Christmas. they're not to leave or have visitors, so we won't be seeing each other in person at all. it's already been a month since I saw him last, and we still have 4 or 5 months to go. neither of us really anticipated this and thought I'd at least be able to visit once and a while, but the base is pretty much on strict lockdown.

we just started officially dating a month and a half ago so our relationship is super new. this announcement understandably put a lot of tension between the both of us and resulted in a pretty nasty fight. we're going to try to work things out later this afternoon, but it's just hard to come to terms with the fact that we will forcibly not be able to see each other for a period much longer than we've even been dating so far.

there's no time difference, but he's a student and a D1 athlete so he has very limited time to talk. I'll be starting college again soon as well which may further complicate things.

I just figured this would be a good group to reach out to and see if anyone has any good advice. I've already sent him a care package but I'm open to any ideas on how to keep things alive for the next few months.

thank you! 💗