I had brain surgery last year on my pituitary gland and they told me i wouldn’t be able to have kids

I had brain surgery last year on my pituitary gland and they told me i wouldn’t be able to have kids. Me and my fiancé stopped taking preventatives and BAM i winded up pregnant! Exactly a year since my brain surgery i delivered my beautiful baby boy! I was considered a high risk pregnancy! But kept up with working out until 37 weeks twice a day until i was told to slow down! And we delivered a healthy baby boy at 39 weeks! My delivery was not easy to say the least! My water broke in the doctors office contractions were strong, and the damn anesthesiologists Was no where to be found till i was 7 cm dialated, lord 😩  He got caught in the birth canal and i pushed for 3 hours! Then the damn epidural wore off sigh lol thennnn the worst part is i got a hematoma i thought i had a damn ball y’all!!! I told my nurse i think i have balls when i finally was able to walk she said let me see and replied with “girl you do have one ball” lol 😂 My perineal area swole up to the size of a tennis ball!  It was all worth it! We have a gorgeous baby boy! And I’m so in love!!! 
Everyone say hello, to Legend Gray 🙌🏽