Weird period


I had the weirdest period I've ever had this month. I have endometriosis and suspected adenomyosis. My periods started when I was 8, so at 29, I know when my period wasn't normal. I had spotting on the 12th and 13th. Didn't need anything but a panty liner. On the 14th I thought my period finally started and used my diva cup. I went to empty it a few hours later because it felt full and there was only a little bit of old blood. I washed it and put it back in because there was bright red blood when I wiped. I emptied it another time, some blood but mostly clots but the cup wasn't even half full. I washed it out and put it back in for the night and went to sleep. I wasn't feeling right most of that day. Just kind of out of it, moody, couldn't eat, crampy, a slight migraine, but I figured it must be my period.

I couldn't sleep because I felt like something wasn't right. I was cramping just directly in the middle. I felt so dizzy and weak, almost like I had a fever but I was cold to the touch. After a few hours of really bad pain, I got out of bed and took a bath. There was almost no blood in the cup again, but some clots but not even that much. That's odd for my first day of my actual period. I tried laying back down after but the pain kept me up until 8 in the morning. I told my husband I couldn't do much on the 15th and slept until 10ish before getting up and still feeling dizzy, out of it, and crampy. The pain wasn't as bad, but still there. I ended up using a pad that day but there was only a little bit of spotting. My period pretty much stopped after that.

I'm still feeling off. Just tired and keep getting migraines. And being dizzy while standing up too fast. I don't know if I'm just a wimp, but if I had to imagine what internal bleeding feels like, I'd say it feels like that. I don't think I could be pregnant because I had a normal period last month and we missed my fertile days because he was out of town on storm work. I need to find a new gyno but that's really hard to do in my area and I've been working on that.